Friday, February 12, 2010

Is India ready for Social Networking?

In my 11th grade class in India, there were only two guys who had cell phones (they were obviously one of the richest guys in the school). I remember that I used to be somewhat annoyed (and jealous-I have been a telephone addict since the first grade), when each used his phone to know where the other one was on campus.

Within four years, practically everyone is my class was the proud owner of a cell phone, and I remember constantly ‘SMSing’ friends in class.

And probably 2 years after that, many the small shop owners, rickshaw and bus drivers, and even hawkers, were seen with a cell phone. Such a rapid change in only six years! The only thing Indian youth like better than their phones are their Internet connected computers.

Even if the infrastructure in India isn’t ready for mobile social networking, the people are! Indians have been social over mobile phones for a long time. You should see the speed at which even a rickshaw driver can send a text message!

Orkut, another Facebook-type social networking site, has been out about as long as Facebook. Many Indians are veteran users of Orkut.

Indian status message reads: Anticipating mobile social networking like a child waiting to open gift-wrapped Playstation 3!


"The Mobile Social: Not ready for Prime Time?"

"Mobile communication is revolutionizing economic and social development in rural India - India PRwire"


Sara C said...

I love the story. I never really thought how different 11th grade in India would be from here. It certainly makes me appreciative of the technologies I've had access to :)

Kogod656 said...

I love being in class with students from all over the world! I've never heard of Orkut and now I know what it is :) Thanks, Shruti!
It is amazing how fast the technology is being developed and our lives being changed as a result.